Monday, April 2, 2007


Today I mailed my taxes in. seems this year for some reason I owe. I don't know why but every year I pay more in taxes. the government (county, state, city) keep raising what we pay as though we are all a bottomless pit of money. They say that the state of Oregon and also the city of Portland collected 20% more in taxes then they thought they would and yet they are still looking for new ways to get even more money from us.

I don't know what we can do but at some point the government will have to stop increasing and start making cuts like the rest of us. If I can't afford something I save for it or I do not buy it. the government just adds on a new tax and then they have it. they need to start living within their budget. Well I mailed it of and smiled as I did, what else could I do.

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